We have completed the process covering the online trainings of our project called No Neet with Contract Number 2022-1-TR01-KA210-YOU-000083042 funded by the Turkish National Agency.
We realized our trainings for 8 weeks through online meeting applications with 15 young people from different regions of Turkey who participated in “Neither in education nor in employment”.
Our Training Topics:
Week 1: Introductory activities and No Neet Project Introduction were c carried out to ensure group dynamics and healthy communication between the participants.
Week 2: The Toolkit created within the scope of the No Neet project was introduced together with the explanation of the non-formal education methods and usage areas that were actively used during the project process.
Week 3: Training was given on sharing real life and opportunity stories and experience transfer activities.
Week 4: An interactive session was held on the interaction and use of social media, which is called new media as a digital age necessity.
Week 5: General and detailed information was given about ESC Opportunities and future job opportunities. General information was given about job opportunities and labor market at national and international level. A practical session was held on how to prepare a correct CV in business life.
Week 6: The stories and opportunities experienced by people who have had the experience of Erasmus+ and European opportunities were told by the relevant people and the participants were motivated at this career point.
Week 7: In addition to Erasmus+ Opportunities and European Opportunities, the introduction of the world labor force and career opportunities and the ways to be followed to obtain these opportunities and how to apply were explained by showing the relevant links.
Week 8: The 8-week general evaluation of the No Neet project was made and the participants were asked to evaluate the process, their experiences and career thoughts for the future and their feedback on the effectiveness of the training in writing and verbally, and the closing meeting of the 8-week online trainings was held.
As a result of the completed trainings, the competency development of our young people in the Neet Category has been supported, their awareness has been increased and they have developed in the fields of future job opportunities and European Opportunities. The process was completed by digitally delivering YouthPass certificates to our young people who participated in our Online Trainings.