The first activity of our Erasmus+ KA210 “No Neet” project supported by the Turkish National Agency of the European Union was held in Istanbul on August 7-16 with a total of 21 participants from Bulgaria, Italy and Turkey as the host country. Our project consists of 3 different activities. In the first activity of our project, training kits were created for young people who are neither in education nor in business life.
Through the activities, the participants increased their ability to take responsibility, problem solving, communication and teamwork skills, set learning goals, reflect and follow up. They also gained knowledge on how to work with the Neets and how to support them. They had the opportunity to increase their “learning to learn competences” about the non-formal learning concept YouthPass.
The 2nd activity of our project includes the creation of online trainings with the prepared training kits. In the 3rd and last activity, it is aimed to bring Neets together with representatives of institutions and organizations carrying out youth work, youth workers and youth leaders through round table activities.
Throughout the project, our participants had the opportunity to get to know different cultures and developed their cultural cohesion and tolerance skills. At the end of the project, the participants received a YouthPass certificate documenting their achievements, strong friendship ties and new knowledge.