Osmanağa Mah. Şemsitap Sok. No: 5/13 Kadıköy-İstanbul

Young Perspective on Active City Policies II. National Meeting Activity Program


We held the 2nd National Meeting of the Erasmus+ KA154 Young Perspective on Active City Policies project, contract number 2022-1- TR01KA154-YOU-000065656, supported by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkish National Agency, between 18-23 November 2024 in Istanbul.

In cities, people’s participation in physical mobility is decreasing. Many cities have transformed into an urban design that does not support active and healthy lifestyles. The changes in work and lifestyle (remote working, flexible working, etc. ) after the Covid-19 pandemic that the whole world has been exposed to have accelerated the speed of transformation of this concept.

Our Young Perspective on Active City Policies Project aims to encourage a healthier society through active citizens, to raise awareness about the contributions that public spaces can make to health and general welfare, to initiate initiatives to increase the participation of citizens in the planning and monitoring of public spaces in cooperation with Local Governments and Civil Society, to strengthen and support young people in taking on decision-making, design and implementation roles, to develop and develop cooperation with each other or with different actors, to support the participation of young people in governance and implementation processes with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, to carry out studies to increase sports participation and to provide vocational training in the field of sports. We held our Young Perspective on Active City Policies II. National Meeting in Istanbul on November 17-23.

Our participants:

  • Development of Green Areas in Cities,
  • Promoting International Activities and Sports Education for All Ages,
  • Increasing the Participation of Youth in Cities and Creating Awareness,
  • Sustainable Urban Planning/Utopian Cities,

They discussed the cities under their titles, evaluated the current situation of the cities and developed solutions for the problems they identified.

At our National Meeting, our participants received information from Can Berk AĞCATAŞ about the latest developments in sports technology and had their postures measured with Artificial Intelligence Supported software.

Sultangazi Municipality Sports Services Manager Ramazan ÜNGÖR made the Active City Municipality presentation.

Expert Physiotherapist Beyza SAĞIR met with our participants with the Active Life and Body Health presentation. They held a conversation on knowing and understanding our bodies , the importance of posture and stance, body awareness and movement awareness, strength, flexibility and endurance, functional exercises, waist, neck and back health, knowing your own body, the effect of correct breathing on health, physiotherapist recommendations and the foundations of a healthy life.
On the last activity day of our project , our young participants, Active Cities President Ms. Asiye ZOROĞLU, İZÜ Faculty of Sports Sciences (SBF) Dean Mr. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Zahit SERSLAN, İZÜ SBF Vice Dean Mr. Abdüsselam BULUT, İstanbul Youth Sports School Sports Branch Manager Mr. Mehmet Burak presented the workshop outputs to the representatives of the Disaster Coordination and Resettlement Branch Directorate of the Provincial Directorate of Active Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change.

Our project was completed with the Youthpass Certificate Ceremony and our 2nd National Meeting.

This important event once again demonstrated how effective and creative young people can be in designing the cities of the future. The project’s outputs are an inspiring guide for both local and central governments and youth organizations.